About Data
SWEJobs.fyi collects software engineer job postings for 6 major US cities: San Jose, CA, San Francisco, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Seattle, WA, New York, NY, Austin, TX.
Currently, we update our data multiple times a day. Under the Jobs tab, job postings are organized not only by city but also by the number of days since the posting was made. We believe software engineer job postings generally do not remain open for more than a couple of days. Therefore, we only show postings that are less than 72 hours old.
However, we do make use of all the prior job postings that we collected and provide Trends and Stats of skills and tech stacks on the market on a week or month timescale. If there is a need, we might release a monthly or yearly report in the future. Feel free to let us know what you would like to see!
As the core feature of SWEJobs.fyi, we break down job postings into skill labels such as
These skill labels are either programming/scripting languages or technologies listed in the job. Currently, we track a fixed list of skills that are either most popular technologies or are commonly seen in job postings.
We split the skill labels/keywords into 8 classes: Language, Web Frontend, Native & Cross Platform, Web Backend, Database, Cloud/Infrastructure, AI/ML, Graphics/Computing for better visualization and coloring. Please help us grow or improve the list! Any feedback such as suggesting a new label or correcting a mislabeling/misclassification will be greatly appreciated! All the skill keywords we are tracking are listed below:
We also label jobs with
RemoteBig TechStartup
A job posting is considered from a big tech if it is posted by Amazon, Apple, Google, Roblox, LinkedIn, Lyft, Meta, Microsoft, Netflix, Pinterest, Robinhood, Stripe, Snap, Twitter, Uber. This list of big techs is obtained from levels.fyi, but feel free to provide any suggestions!